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Showing What We Know

We packed quite a bit into this chilly, abbreviated week!

After a visit from real-life heroes Lieutenant Commander Scott and Chief Warrant Officer Scott, we discussed the definition, character traits, and importance of veterans. Second grade even learned how to create a word cloud using the characteristics they identified.

We also capitalized on this authentic opportunity to teach the elements of a thank you note. These heartfelt letters are sure to bring smiles to our special guests' faces.

We reviewed our understanding of heat energy and its effects, then wrapped up the week by showing what we know!

In reading, Fourth Grade finished their study of Valli in Deborah Ellis' book, No Ordinary Day. It's incredible the impact that this book had on our thinking. The discussion was rich, the awareness turned on, and our curiosity piqued about others outside of our daily lives. We also took our reading benchmark, which was an opportunity to show how we tackle tests. Third Grade is finishing up Rules, an award winner by Cynthia Lord. We are carefully watching for the signposts which enable us to more easily grasp the character's true struggle. We have developed an empathy for Catherine, and are cheering her on as she faces tough decisions. We also had the chance to show what we know with our benchmarks. Second Grade continues their work on summarization, structure, and distinguishing main ideas from details.

Second and Third wrote some fabulous "favorite mistake" drafts -- exploring narrative. They used planners to identify the important parts of the actual event, but also to identify why this event was significant. What the learning/lesson of the story was. They also know that Mrs. Forrest learned a huge lesson involving a bowl of cereal. Fourth Grade has been hard at work with expository, and using complex sentences to enrich the piece. They used their benchmark drafts and examined mentor text as a comparison to help them set goals and see where they can make improvements.

In math this week we learned a new word, subitizing. It means to have the ability to count a collection of items without having to count each item individually. We want our students to be able to group items together to count efficiently.

Reminder: Tuesday, 11/18, second grade will visit Westcave Preserve. The forecast is cold, but clear, so wear layers! It's going to be a beautiful, exciting day!

Bundle up and have a great weekend,
The SBLC Crew


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