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Cohort Press


  • 2.14.19- Valentine’s Day
  • 2.15.19- Student Holiday
  • 2.18.19- Conference Day- No School
  • 2.22.19- 4th Keep Austin Beautiful
  • 2.24.19- Some 4th NAEPs
  • 2.25.19- Spring Pictures
  • 2.26.19- 4th Paramount Theater

Civil Rights Booklist
Some books available in Mrs. Forrest’s Library this couple months

  • The Amazing Age of John Roy Lynch
  • Ruth and the Green Book
  • Promises to Keep
  • My Brother Martin
  • When Marian Sang
  • The Other Side
  • Blue Sky White Stars
  • An Angel for Solomon Singer
  • Ron’s Big Mission
  • Child of the Civil Rights Movement
  • A Sweet Smell of Roses

Opinion: Vegetarianism and Veganism
By Fiona S. Laing l 1.12.19

Have you ever thought of becoming vegan or vegetarian? Have you ever met one? (well, if you’re reading this you most likely have. If you didn’t know, I am.) A vegan is someone who doesn’t eat any animal products, and a vegetarian just doesn’t eat any meat. I’d say that you should try being meat free for many causes. Or maybe you can just have an interesting trait.

Important people in history
One reason would be that some very important people were vegetarian. Take philosophers Pythagoras, or Plato who both supported a meat-free diet. Sylvester Graham, inventor of the Graham Cracker, formed the American Vegetarian Society in 1850. Many religions also choose not to eat meat, part of practicing non-violence.

Animals not treated well
Another reason would be that animals are treated badly, and in some cases dangerous for humans. First, processing plants can be unsafe for consumers- meaning that they can be full of germs. Also, animals are inhumanly handled, and can be orphaned because their parents are killed for humans to eat.

Becoming vegan or vegetarian doesn’t just affect you, (or your restaurant orders.)  it can actually change a lot of people’s lives. By that, I mean if everyone in the USA became vegan and vegetarian, 50% more of the USA can be fed. I hope this will persuade you to try to be vegan or vegetarian for a period of time. Thanks!

Cohort Press Editor-in-Chief,          Fiona S. Laing


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