Our third graders enjoyed the Nutcracker Act II put on by Ballet Austin.
In math this week we all learned about personal financial literacy. We discussed fixed and variable expenses. For example, a car payment is a fixed expense and an electric bill is a variable expense. We also talked about making a profit, the cost of resources, saving options, deposits, and withdrawals.
In reading, we practiced reading fluently, responding to text, and analyzing several holiday books for theme and author's purpose. Fourth Grade analyzed the first chapter of The Coldest Day in Texas. We are having a special author's visit from her on Monday, and we spent a great deal of time looking at the piece from both a writer's and reader's perspective. Speaking of writing, we continued to hone our skills of description and narratives.
In science, we've continued our exploration of mixtures and solutions. We even discovered that we could separate a mixture of two liquids with different densities!
We were also able to separate mixtures by looking at their shape. Did you know salt is cubical in shape? We do now!
We enjoyed some technology exploration this week in the Hour of Code, a global initiative designed to introduce computer science basics. Click here to learn more!
We've also been filling each others' stockings with notes of kindness and appreciation, an SBLC tradition!
Hope your weekend is filled with treasures, too!
I have really enjoyed making the stocking notes and checking my own! Having something in my stocking really makes my day because knowing that someone enjoys who I am or what I do makes me incredibly happy on the inside as well as on the outside! I think we should make Easter eggs for Easter because it would make me really happy and I am sure it would make other people just as happy as me to get these nice meaningful notes from someone you know really well or someone you barely know at all!Thank you so much teachers for taking the time to do these really fun activities! I am having a great time doing these activities and I am sure that a lot of other people in the SBLC are having fun with the fun activit