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We Are Loving That We're Back!

Happy New Year!

We have been working hard all week and getting back into routines. Some new (ask about reading logs and writing centers) and some old familiars.

In project block, we've been using our presentation posters that we made in December to learn more about and from, each other. We are writing letters to one another, and finding opportunities to find commonalities and to learn something new as well!

Second Grade began an Author Study of Kevin Henkes. Third is delving into Rose's life in Rain Reign, and Fourth has started, When My Name was Keoko  by Linda Sue Park. Ask your child to fill you in!

Our writing plans include centers in the next few weeks. Along with writing group with Mrs. Forrest two days, they will also rotate through Homograph, Mountain Language (not HW anymore) and cursive handwriting activities. We will be busy! Spelling is back in swing as well!

In addition, we will start our weekly reading passages Wednesday nights next week. It is due on Thursday, and the kids have done an example with me and they have it in their take home folders. You can help them out at times, but we really want them to do as much as possible independently. They know the expectations, and it does take time and thought.

In math our fourth graders learned long division this week. There are several steps to long division so we used a phrase to help us. Does McDonald's serve cheese burgers? First, divide, then multiply, subtract, check, then bring down. Our third graders learned how to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number. They also worked with multiplying multiples of ten. Second graders learned to describe multiplication  using circles and putting the same number of smaller circles in each group. They also wrote multiplication stories using a graphic organizer and manipulatives.

We've started our unit about energy in science. We've identified and defined several forms including light, heat, and sound. Third and fourth grade also learned that mechanical energy--the energy of movement--is the total of potential (stored) and kinetic (motion) energy. We are looking forward to exploring energy with some hands-on lessons next week!

In social studies we've been talking about people. Second grade learned about our culturally-diverse country and how our country has grown over time. Third and fourth grade began research projects to understand the impact and significance of various explorers in our history.

We ended our week with a fabulous Jazz concert by the Austin Jazz enjoyable!

A few important reminders as we get back into the groove:
*Students not present at 7:45 will be marked tardy (even if assembly is still in progress).
*4th grade field trip to Bob Bullock is next Friday, 1/16 (class shirts, disposable lunch & drink). If you have a rolling cooler that we can use, please e-mail Mrs. Blake.

Stay safe and warm this weekend!
The SBLC Team


  1. We were suprised when we could see that cranes use stretching to make it go up and down.


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