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April 6-10

Fourth graders had fun using protractors to measure and draw angles this week.

Third graders learned about customary and metric units for liquid volume, weight, and mass.

Second graders learned about 3-D solids and faces, edges, and vertices.
Language Arts
In reading and language arts, we are honing our skills with short text and have focused on narrative writing. 
Second grade wrote, revised, and edited a piece that shared something they did over the Easter weekend. In addition, they analyzed poetry, and Luke J. reports, :I learned that a poem that tells a story is called a narrative poem." It's amazing to see them picking up the ideas behind text structure! Finally, we began a Bluebonnet Nominee called The Vanishing Coin.
Third Grade wrote as well. Nicole explains it well, " I wrote a narrative about Easter weekend. Mrs. Forrest wrote hers with us and it was really funny. I think my narrative came out well and I was proud of myself!" These kids are learning by watching a seasoned writer write. In modeled writing, the thinking is actually verbalized so the kids can hear what's going on in the writer's head. It's not a magical process then...they actually hear the decision making and why the writing is developed that way. It's great to see them proud of their work too! Wonderful ownership! Third grade also began a novel written in narrative poem form about the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. They are learning a great deal about the region and The Great Depression through their character, Billie Jo.
Fourth Grade has been analyzing and comparing/contrasting different text forms, primarily nonfiction and poetry. It is pure joy to hear their discussion and thought processes through margin notes. They are masters! We have also made a great deal of progress in our book, Someone Named Eva. Their knowledge base about how books work is such a fabulous support. They are delving into themes and subjects with a fervor!

Social Studies & Science
Fourth grade completed their San Antonio Mission Projects this week. After researching a specific mission they completed a brochure to teach their classmates. They took notes during a gallery walk and then compared similarities and differences of the missions they observed.

Second and third grades continued their study of space. They determined the difference between rotating and revolving. We also completed a Websurf to become familiar with planet characteristics, moon phases, and Earth's relationship with the sun.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I think this is a great way to let us know what our child is doing in school!
    I look forward to seeing more. Thank you!

  2. Love seeing the kids own words on here about what they are learning!

  3. Love the window into the classroom.

  4. Thank you, SBLC teachers. I love that you are including part of the 4th, 3rd and 2nd grade 3...2...1... entries!


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