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To Market We Went!

In TEAM meeting, we have focused on prioritization, resilience, and how to have manners as consumers. 

In reading, Second Graders remain focused on summarization, taking longer chunks of text and synthesizing it into a neat package. We've continued to work on distinguishing main idea from detail. We wrote several special letters this week as well, taking it from idea to draft to final form.

Third Graders are nearing the end of The Poet's Dog, by Patricia MacLaughlin. We've focused on margin notes to show our thinking as well as inference. We also wrote some special letters and responses to literature.

Fourth Grade is determined to find out what happens to our characters in Salt to the Sea. We've been summarizing chapters and then seeing how the chapters incorporate into a whole book summary...not easy to do with 220 pages of reading! We've been working on expository.

2nd grade mathematicians explored some new virtual manipulatives and continued to refine their subtraction skills.  Third graders reviewed multidigit multiplication with a fun new game and started exploring financial literacy concepts. Fourth graders have been working with equivalent fractions and started a huge number line to help visualize fraction/decimal connections.  All SBLC mathematicians created colorful snowflakes using fractions and rotational symmetry.  

Our SBLC entrepreneurs had a successful Market  Day, making over $300 for Austin Pets Alive and our own Kiker Beautification Committee. Our corporations worked incredibly hard to create quality products and their efforts paid off! It was a memorable experience for everyone involved, providing opportunities for teamwork, persistence, and real-world innovation.

While Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Mangels helped our CEOs run their enterprises, Mrs. Forrest ventured into math with us as we learned how to make change quickly and efficiently!

SBLC scientists explored various types of energy. Third and fourth graders conducted a mechanical energy scavenger hunt, identifying objects with moving parts and how they help us. 

We also explored sound and light energy. Here we are investigating how sound travels...

The Keynotes Concert was a fabulous day to end our week and put us in the holiday spirit! 

Next week: Monday - holiday party.  Tuesday - Breakfast and the Paper and pajama day!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!


  1. Excellent job at Market Day! A huge thank you from the Kiker Beautification Committee for your help in raising just over $1,000 to help fund beautification projects on campus! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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