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Loving the outdoor space!

We are so excited about our outdoor space!  Thanks to all who supported this process with materials, donations, and gifts of time.  We enjoyed the gorgeous warm weather at the beginning of the week and many of us came outside for our landing reflection time.  Smiles all around...

SBLC mathematicians learned some important calculation strategies this week.  3rd graders reviewed how to multiply using partial products and created their own visual proofs.  Then we used our deep understanding of arrays to learn about the standard multiplication algorithm.  With just a little practice so far, we're off to a great start and have even tackled some multidigit multiplication with regrouping.

4th graders are developing a clear understanding of multidigit division. We started the week modeling 3-digit division problems with place value blocks and noticed that we worked most efficiently when we used a pattern of dividing, multiplying, and subtracting to record how we shared our hundreds, tens, and ones.  After modeling with blocks, we moved to pictures and explored how the long division algorithm supports the "division as rounds of sharing" concept.  We're all pretty excited about this powerful long division strategy and even learned a song that can help us remember the important patterns.

SBLC writers composed their first complete, outline to 5 paragraph esssay independently! We are now working on economy and precise choice of words so that we can make our nonfiction expository come to life for our reader. We've done such a good job of looking at our mentor author, Tom Rogers, that we have lots to "borrow" as writers from his expertise. We will be sending our essays to him, so he can see what we enjoyed about his book, Eleven, and what we've gleamed as writers.

In reading, we examined a book as readers and writers called 14 Cows for America. We learned and discussed the power of the human bond, even cross continents. We also explored the first nonfiction signpost, Numbers and Statistics and applied it together, in partners, and independently. When we are asking ourselves what the numbers are in articles and what they actually MEAN to the article, it's amazing how much understanding we gain for the whole article!!

Fourth Grade did some editing and revising in short text/multiple choice form this week. We don't do this often, but we are warming up to be familiar with test format. They felt so strong! It was exciting to see how they thought, "This is easier than what we do in Sentence Analysis!"

Thank you to our Keynotes for a wonderful performance Friday in honoring our Veterans. Thanks to Caroline's grandpa "Cappy" for his thoughtful presentation to SBLC today. THANK YOU to Harper's and Alex's grandpas and Hailey's dad for all you do to protect our freedoms and keep our country safe.

Each SBLC student wrote a letter to a veteran today to express gratitude for their service.  It's been a reflective, thoughtful Friday. 

Enjoy the weekend!
Jen and Jewellyn


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