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Researching, Experimenting, and Implementing!

We've come back from a wonderful break, refreshed and ready to learn! SBLC students have been hard at work and jumped in with both feet! We hope you enjoyed looking through the portfolios at the halfway point, and it launched some conversations about keeping up the Quality Work they are doing!

We've been enjoying the weather via our outdoor space! Lots of fun varying up our learning environment!

Our project time has focused on our Service Project for Carrying Hope. Students have learned about the organization and who they help, created a sign up, and are eager to build these important packs to help a child their age. Check your email for a student-designed donation sign up.

In ELA, we've been learning how to actively annotate, take notes, cite sources, and summarize text! Our in class research has been supporting our experimentation in science, and has helped us complete our In Class Science Fair Project Notebook. We've been learning about insulators, melting, and about different reasons that those concepts matter in our lives. We also transferred our spelling, sentence analysis/grammar, and words in context from our yellow separate folders to a new writing notebook. We've enjoyed the change, and are excited to share it with you when portfolios come home again before Winter Break.

In social studies, we have been finishing up our learning about European Explorers, and are compiling the information about Spanish and France exploration in Texas.

SBLC mathematicians continue to build fluency with multiplication facts and we focused on the 7s this week, using these facts with number talks and word problems. We've also studied the structure of division story problems and explored how remainders are part of real-life division situations. We finished the week exploring how input-output tables follow a predictable pattern and express a relationship that allows us to predict values. 

As scientists, we used a different sort of table to organize the results of our class science project. We've been following the entire scientific method with our testable question: How does the type of insulation affect an ice cube's melting time? Your kiddos are working to develop a deep understanding of how each part of the scientific method is purposeful and connected to the overall process. We're using our class science fair project notebook to communicate every part of our method and to create an example of a quality notebook for our science fair participants to use as a guide. These notebooks will come home next week as we conclude our in-class experiment.

I'm already hearing so many interesting testable questions from curious 3rd and 4th grade scientists who are demonstrating ownership of the scientific method. We're going to grow so much from these projects!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Jen and Jewellyn


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