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1st 9 Weeks!

We are so proud of all that we've accomplished in these first 9 weeks! Thanks for making time to look through portfolios last weekend.

SBLC scientists have been hard at work applying the scientific method to our study of force and motion. We have used the parts of this process through the year, but put all of the components together into a meaningful whole with our work this week. We know that the scientific method includes an observation about the world around us, framing our curiosities into a testable question, forming a thoughtful hypothesis, collecting results, then using our results to draw conclusions. After observing that different cars traveled different distances, we wondered how the mass of these cars affected the distance traveled. Teams of scientists designed ramps to answer this question, collecting data through multiple trials with pennies to add mass each time. Then we pooled our data to look for meaningful patterns.

In math, we've been hard at work with multiples through the 6s, 7s, and 8s. We know that our brains grow the most with fact mastery when we first focus on accuracy and flexibility. This means that we can accurately calculate that 8 x 5 = 40 in a variety of ways. We might skip count by 5s, create a number line to skip-count, build an array that's 8 by 5, or multiply 8 x 10 mentally and then break it in half to calculate 8 x 5. It's so good for us as mathematicians to have a variety of strategies because that builds our flexibility and a more intuitive understanding of how numbers work together. As accuracy and flexibility grow stronger, then we build fluency.  When you make time to help your child build fact fluency, consider having a number talk with your child at home. All of our SBLC mathematicians have participated in several of these research-based routines and they'd be excited to show you how they calculated 18 x 5 or 4 x 13. Make sure you've got paper or a dry erase board handy so all participants can write or draw their "pathway".

In ELA, we have focused on parts of a complete thought and understanding subject and predicate. We've talked about how we can find patterns in "rules" in order to craft our own sentences. We've been discussing and interacting with expository text more deeply. We're also working on keeping ourselves accountable in all writing for proper capitalization. Teachers are asking students to reread for accuracy by asking them to think like a reader -- Do I understand what this says? If I read it does it sound like I intended? These guide them to think outside of themselves to insure that readers can read and understand their writing.

Salva's journey has taken him into two different refugee camps in Kenya. We have been diving deep by recognizing and using our signposts as places to stop and think. We noticed Salva asking himself Tough Questions right before his AHA Moment, and then how that realization led him to change -- a Contrast and Contradiction. Ask your child to talk to you about the signposts they notice as they are reading. The more they practice finding and asking themselves the questions that go with them, the deeper their understanding!

In social studies, we researched Keyhole Gardens. We discovered their hardiness in difficult climates, and that they originated in southern Africa. We have been excited to apply our new understanding to replant and rejuvenate the Keyhole Garden the SBLC built two years ago.

As preparation for planting, we went outside -- weeded, turned over the soil, and sketched our plans. Mrs. Mangels found a trusted source and we examined a wonderful graph about seasonal planting to help us select what we will be planting at this time.

If you signed up for flu shots but your child has already got one between that time and this coming Monday, let us know. We will not send them even though they are on the list. Please send us an email rather than having them just tell us they've had their shot. Shots will be administered this coming Monday.

Report cards are in their Take Home folders. In addition, the kids reflected on their personal development goals this week. They are located in their Climbing Guide on the back cover page. We discussed how they may want to have a conversation with you about their ratings alongside the teachers' ratings in the report card. Please sign the envelope and return next week.

Have a fabulous weekend -- we hope you enjoy the sun!


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