On Tuesday, 4th grade attended the Austin Symphony at the Long Center. Music, singing, and a bus ride all gussied up -- what could be better?! In all subjects, we have been examining what it means to understand our learning on a surface, deep, and transfer level. We are looking at our work not as a grade, but as an opportunity to evaluate how well we know the LEARNING intentions. There's a big difference between completing an assignment and really UNDERSTANDING what the concepts are in the task. In ELA we have been looking at Word Work with those levels in mind. We've recognized that we need to put full effort into our centers -- the whole 15 minutes -- to really be practicing the words or language skill. We will be sending notebooks home soon -- you will see a marked difference! We have also been honing our skills with determining importance with our 5 word strategy. It's a tough one -- only choosing 5 words that are important to the section is challenging, bu...