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Marching into Spring Break!

Even with a surprising ending, this week was packed with lots of learning!

In ELA, we worked diligently to complete our expository text for our Time Capsule project. We outlined, drafted, sought out critical feedback, and drafted again. Our final steps were to edit, type and insert the photo we took. This project has asked us to TRANSFER our knowlege and APPLY it. We weren't just labelling and identifying text features (heading, captions, bylines and dates), we were CREATING them. That takes a depth of understanding to do. Having to think about an audience and what you as a writer want your  audience to gleam from your piece is big work.

In math, we've created multiple drafts of our time capsule graphs. To elevate the quality of our work, we've listed criteria and noted essential features for each type of graph. Between drafts, students met with a "critical friend" for kind, specific, and helpful feedback. We're excited to publish our final drafts digitally and supported each other with various online tools for creating our representations. We also drafted our data analysis, using statistical terms like "range" and describing the shape of our data. Many of us ended our analysis by considering what the data we collected leaves us still wondering. We've had lots of meaningful connections to the scientific method and are becoming experts in data literacy. Big work for sure!

SBLC scientists also enjoyed collecting data about weather this past week. We used anemometers to measure wind speed, thermometers to measure temperature, and even tracked wind direction over several days. We're more aware of the variables that help us to accurately forecast weather and started a discussion about why we have be continued upon our return to school. 

We know that there are a lot of unknowns right now. Take this time to rest and rejuvenate. We have thoughts brewing about some online learning if it comes to that. The health and safety of all is the highest priority -- one step at a time.

Portfolios will come home the week we return. We will have a parent response for you to fill out as in the past. Your child will be asking you to carve out some time to go over the important learning and growth they have done.


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