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Moving Right Along...

We're moving right along into February!

In science, we completed our Force and Motion Unit. To reinforce our learning and celebrate the end of the unit, we applied our knowledge of force with a little marshmallow catapulting. 

We conducted an experiment to see how the height of the fulcrum affects the distance of a catapulted object. Needless to say, collecting our data was pretty fun and exciting!


A perfect day for some outdoor classroom time!

In reading, second grade is well into their fourth section, and we are drawing things together. We have noticed that Billy is growing in confidence, and becoming a young man who believes in himself and his capabilities. It's so exciting to discuss chapter books as they are coming together and we can see what the character's true struggle is...

Third grade finished Rain Reign (so sad to have it end)! We responded to the book as a whole, reflecting on the major changes that Rose has experienced. Ann Martin's work inspired us to look at our own lives and see others' perspectives, to develop empathy, and with that, grow connections.

Fourth grade has been fast and furiously writing, and, MAN! they are good writers! We examined some mentor texts from our own classmates, learning how we too, can incorporate ideas from others' styles. Our book is taking some twists and turns, and we are sitting on the edges of our seats while learning more about WWII.

Fourth graders are still having fun with fractions. They learned how to change a mixed number into an improper fraction. Third graders worked with patterns in tables and used a multiplicarion table to find unknown factors or products. We also started our unit on fractions. Second graders are learning about fractions too. We talked about halves, fourths, eights, and a whole.  


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