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Getting into Nature

In ELA, we've continued to refine our expository writing and hone our mechanics. We've used our Vignette in social studies as an opportunity to revise with precision for an audience, and our final product is in process! We continue to talk about accuracy as a writer's responsibility to their reader. If the reader isn't clear or can't understand, that's our job as writers to clear up, not the reader's job to figure out! If you see written inaccuracies, use cues like, "What do you mean here? I'm confused as a reader," to have them go back and fix. Try to steer away from, "I see some corrections you need to make." That won't be specific enough for them. They know what they meant to write, and in their heads it sounds perfectly clear. Tell them where you are confused as a reader and need help understanding. I guarantee they will jump in to revise it!

In reading we are making our way through I Am Malala, and we are grappling with tough ideas. Currently in the book, Malala is 10, and has made the commitment to herself to speak out on behalf of women in Pakistan. We know where this leads her, and as we travel this journey with her, it's amazing to see the bravery she has. Inspiring! We've made some comparisons to Martin Luther King Jr., who also from a young age made a decision to change the world.

SBLC mathematicians are wrapping up our geometry work and moving into data analysis. 3rd graders have enjoyed playing Guess My Rule and representing the data we collect with frequency tables. Fourth graders are learning how to create stem and leaf plots as a way to organize data by place value.

Our meteorology work continued this week as we explored the topography of central Texas and used our knowledge to create flood awareness posters for a City of Austin contest. We reviewed the guidelines, then created our own criteria list for posters that would be both persuasive and informative. Students created draft one, met with a partner to give/receive constructive feedback, and are in the process of creating final drafts.

Fourth scientists enjoyed fantastic weather for our Slaughter Creek field trip on Wednesday. We spread seeds for native wildflowers, used a model to understand the effects of pollution on our watershed, explored macroinvertebrates from Slaughter creek, and worked as citizen scientists to collect data about Slaughter Creek and its surrounding habitat. Enjoy the pics below!

Next week, the week before Spring Break, brings some fun. Friday will be Breakfast and the Paper, and Mrs. Bankston has arranged a 4th grade "Career Day" experience too.


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