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Weekly Wrap-Up

It's hard to believe we're wrapping up our fifth week...autumn is here and we're fall-ing into our routines!

We completed two directed inquiries in science to continue developing our questioning, data-gathering, measurement, and teamwork skills.

The first inquiry allowed us to collect information about how far a ball would roll down a ramp.

With the second inquiry, we introduced the concept of a variable and tested to see if the size of the ball affected the distance it would roll.

After three trials for each ball, we even calculated the average distance! We're amongst some serious scientists and mathematicians! ;)

This week in reading, Second Grade finished up our study of fluency by becoming teachers ourselves! Ms. Toman's First Grade class came and we taught them all we knew about reading smoothly, with expression by buddying up with them and reading a Piggie and Gerald book. It was a fun way to authentically practice what we have learned!

Third and Fourth Graders are continuing to delve deep into character analysis and signposts. We are actively asking questions...deep, complex questions that are leading us to the true struggle in our character's experience. We have had grand conversations, where opinions are supported with text evidence and we disagree with evidence as well. We continue to annotate, analyze, and synthesize! By the way, ask Third Grade about Robert Frost. :)

In language arts, we have begun our first piece. Using small moments and involving ourselves in the action have been exciting to explore. We've used Love That Dog and Hate That Cat to learn the art of figurative language, namely onomotopeia, alliteration, and simile. Looking at what Sharon Creech does as an author has helped us imitate their usage and incorporate it into our own pieces.

In math this week, the 4th graders explored with decimals. They wrote decimals in the expanded form and they began to make a connection between place value for whole numbers and decimals. We also read A Melody in Fractions. It helped us learn how fractions and equivalent fractions are used to read music.

The 3rd graders explored fractions. They learned how to find fractional parts of a whole and describe a fraction of a group. We also located fractions on a number line.

The 2nd graders compared numbers, ordered numbers, and located numbers on a number line. We also read The Number Machines and played a game called Climb the Steps that helped us practice these skills.

We've continued to practice some critical 21st Century Skills in our Project Block: teamwork, note-taking, researching, and project planning.

Some of us have started building our Mars Rover-type models and our project will culminate next week with an SBLC gallery walk.

As always, thank you for your continued support of your children and their teachers. :)

Have a spectacular weekend!


  1. I liked the two on a crayon because I thought it was a great time work on our teamwork and getting to know each other!


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