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Getting on Track...and Field

This week was full of exciting things, but our culminating event was Track and Field! Thanks to the PE department for planning such a fabulous event, and thanks to all who came out to help.

In reading and language arts, we continued our novel studies, spelling and grammar centers, and poetry. We developed our envisioning skills by reading and writing descriptively.

In social studies, we channeled our inner cartographers and applied our knowledge of map features to create our own maps.

Second graders loved making maps of their desks.

Third graders used a digital tool to create maps of the Kiker playground, and then used an interactive map to create their own map quiz for a classmate.

Fourth graders put together an intricate overlay map denoting Texas regions, rivers, and major cities.

In math, fourth graders continued talking about multiplication and ways to represent this concept with multidigit factors.  We are becoming more confident with area models, partial products, and the traditional algorithm.  We also talked about ways to use related facts to become more efficient with basic multiplication facts.  Many of us want to improve on the 7s, 8s, and 9s so we're practicing some fun new strategies using  the Greg Tang Math website and a game called "Break Apart".  

3rd graders played several multiplication games and are using hundreds charts and arrays to become more famliar with multiples up through 10.  We want to develop a deep understanding of multiplication concepts and representations, then we'll start learning our facts and building automaticity.

2nd graders explored even and odd concepts this week.  They built towers where every cube had a partner and some where there was an "odd man out". We made discoveries about adding odd and even numbers and what makes an even sum.  Here are a few pics of our mathematicians building and recording their strategies:

We all enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Bryan.  She taught us some new strategies for calming our bodies and self-regulating.  Our favorite new tip was to wiggle our toes if we're having trouble sitting still.  


Have a wonderful weekend!
Your SBLC coaches


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