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Happy Spring Break!

This week we worked on positively steering ourselves. We noticed that steering our minds, actions, and words helps in every situation, and protects relationships. In reading, Third Grade finished their novel, and in the ending, figured out that the character Gabriela, was based on the author's life. They used inference and interpretation to analyze each narrative poem, and then synthesized the narrative as a whole. They wrote beautiful daydream poems modeled after Nikki Grimes' book. Second Grade has bees working on new centers, which will begin the week we return from break. We know practicing insures smooth transitioning and maximizes learning time. Fourth Grade have been editing, revising, and even evaluating sample expository pieces in preparation for STAAR on the 28th. We are master sentence analyzers and look forward to showing what we know! Friday we wrapped up the week with Breakfast and the Paper and a reward video for the OVER 175,000 Learning Minutes we have accumulated so far this year. It was originally our goal to get there by the end of the year, but we will have to revise and have an even BIGGER goal now!

As mathematicians, fourth graders reviewed area and perimeter concepts in a variety of ways this week.  We've continued lots of problem solving and mental math with division so we have become a lot more comfortable with strategies for this operation.  We've also noticed that fluency with multiplication and division facts build our confidence and help us to solve problems more efficiently. Second graders explored fractions of a set, on a number line, and through area models.  It's exciting to be using numbers between whole numbers with increasing flexibility.  Third graders built all kinds of interesting patterns this week, learning how to represent a pattern with equations and input-output tables.

We completed our water cycle study by finishing and sharing our projects. Fourth graders created presentations synthesizing their research and ideas about the water cycle in the rain forests. Third grade hydrologists built clouds to display their understanding of the water cycle.

Second graders told the story of the water cycle from the perspective of a water molecule. They loved seeing each other's presentations!

Second grade also had the opportunity to visit Bob Bullock History Museum where we explored exhibits, deepened our science knowledge with some Science Thursday activities, and enjoyed learning about Wild Africa in the IMAX theater! 

Happy Spring Break!


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