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Showing posts from 2011

Calculating the Cost of Christmas

Last week, we took a mathematical look at the "Twelve Days of Christmas". The song gave us an authentic opportunity to work together and practice solving multi-step problems with the use of addition, multiplication, and some calculator skills. How much would your true love really have to pay to shower you with twelve days of gifts? Check out the pictures below for our calculations!   There were a lot of gasps when we discovered just how much would actually be spent...we will definitely have a different perspective the next time we listen to the classic holiday song!

Nutcracker Photo

We had front row seats!!!! Here's a picture we took when we got back...

Precise Verbs and a Poem

We did a poetry exercise today that will help our writing in several ways - first off, every line had to be completely focused on the topic. Secondly, they had to start each line with a verb - a PRECISE verb, that is. We used our Thesaurus to help us find more elaborate verbs, or the Visual Thesaurus on the iPad. The poems are called, "How to Be a...." We looked at a Mentor Text about snakes, and then did one together (How to Be a Student in Mrs. Forrest's Class). Even though we had brainstormed the verbs together, they ordered them and added on to them so that each was really different! You could hear their perspectives in them for sure... Next, we were turned loose to create our own, knowing that we'd be evaluated on our precise verb choice and are a few:

Simple Machines!

While the Fourth Graders were off in San Antonio, Third Grade was hard at work with our Simple Machine Kits - here's some photos!

Nonfiction Reading Responses

Today we re-examined the art of responding to nonfiction literature. We have learned the framework before, but in steps. We are focusing on pulling it all together into cohesive two and three paragraph essays. We started with the first paragraph, the summary. We have worked extensively on how to paraphrase and be concise, remembering that each sentence should contain essential main idea rather than details. We have moved into developing a second paragraph, where the kids explain something they inferred from the article and then provide a specific text example to support it. The fourth graders have been taking this depth of response to yet a third paragraph, were the focus is on the significance of the piece. Here they have to explain what the bigger understanding is -- now that I know this information, what is the importance? How can we apply this to life? Talk about rigor! The kids have been digging's way more than just telling me about what they read. It's syn

Very Cool Writing

I wanted to share some amazing writing with you! In our nonfiction/expository study this past few weeks, we have been learning to exercise our writing muscles with this genre. We have been reading, analyzing, and synthesizing a lot of great nonfiction, so we have found a great deal of good mentor texts to get us familiar for writing. What's the point? This activity had us examining author's purpose and message in order to help us come up with a solid central idea for our own piece.  We looked at four different texts, all dealing with the same topic, but with different "points." They were all about immigration, but one was a biography, one was a textbook, another literary nonfiction (nonfiction written in narrative form), and the last was a memoir. We charted the different themes and what the authors' central ideas were. We then examined how every bit of each of those texts supported and focused on that main idea. Next, we used a topic, "The best thing a

Turkeys and Scarecrows and Caves, oh my!

We've been busy in the SBLC! Our students have been excitedly preparing a Thanksgiving Program to share with you next Friday, November 18 from 2:00-2:45 in the cafeteria. An invitation will be sent home Monday, so be on the lookout! Second graders will be going to Westcave Preserve on Tuesday, November 22. We will leave Kiker at 9:00am and return at approximately 2:00pm. Students need to bring a sack lunch and wear comfortable clothes/tennis shoes as there is a lot of walking. If you are interested in attending as a chaperone, please contact Mrs. Blake: Our scarecrow activity provided some excellent team-building opportunities! They started by making a plan and then broke into teams to construct different parts of the scarecrow. The most challenging part was figuring out how to put it all together!   The students really enjoyed working together to create their literary characters of choice: Willy Wonka, Dumbledore, and Athena. :) Have a fantast

Scholastic Rocks!

Many of you have asked about Scholastic Book orders and we have good news! Our SBLC group can order books online at  with the activation code below:  DGB9J We get a free classroom book eve ry time someone places an order online, so order away!  Happy Reading!

The Book Fair is Coming! The Book Fair is Coming!

Just so you are aware, our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Smith, wanted us to pass on the dates for our upcoming book fair. This is a great opportunity to get quality books into your kids' hands. I know she'll have a number of Texas Bluebonnet Nominees available! Here are the dates/times: Kiker Book Fair Hours: Mon.    10/31 7:45 - 4:00  First Day Drawing! Purchase a book and enter $25 drawing!  Tue. 11/1 7:45 - 7:00  Open Late for Family Night! – Drawing! Wed.    11/2 7:45 – 4:00  Book Fair “Grand” Picnic! Thu.  11/3 7:45 - 7:00  Open Late for Family Night! – Drawing! Fri. 11/4 7:45 - 4:00 Last day for Book Fair!

Patriotism, Good Citizenship, and Important American Symbols

This week we are studying in depth the intent, meaning, and importance of many American symbols, documents, songs, and speeches. In doing this, we are using some neat tech resources: Star-Spangled Banner Smithsonian Site Our Country's Flag Flag Manners The Pledge of Allegiance The Declaration of Independence The Constitution The Bill of Rights American Symbols

Another Outstanding Week!

Yes, it's busy. Yes, it's sometimes loud. But WOW - these kids are amazing. Every challenge we give them they greet with eagerness - the things that are unusual are welcomed. We have worked a ton this week on continuing to appreciate and understand perspectives that are different from ours, and getting into routines. We started "blocking" with our first groupings, and they have been fantastic. It is so amazing to learn more about each one and to find that exact area where they grow. We've talked about how "fair is not equal" and that we respect where others are and how although our work might not look the same as everyone else's, we are working where we need to be. We did some activities where we got to try our "learning styles" to express ourselves, and also learned that by simply observing others, we can learn a lot about them and their feelings. They consistently blow me away in how they are so ready to work together on anything

What an amazing week...

I had some requests today to put up a post so that they could comment on what they learned today, or just to comment on today. We are so proud of how these kids are TEAM PLAYERS, how they VALUE one another, and how they understand that not everyone has the same perspective on things, so it is important to think outside of ourselves and "clue into" others around us. This weeks' activities have all been geared around getting to know one another and learning to appreciate how we are alike and different. One of the best quotes of the week, "We learned that no matter what your age or where you are from, even though they are different, there are advantages for everyone to be who and where they are." That's from a Second and Fourth Grader after they were talking together about an activity this week. LOVE IT!

Successful Start + Important Info

What do you get when you add 71 kiddos, 3 excited teachers, an amazing community and TONS of energy? A fabulous first day of school! Our first day together was certainly a success. We wrote letters, made new friends, talked about what a successful classroom should look like, and laughed a lot! We realized that even though we have some differences, we also have a lot in common. Mrs. Blake's homeroom revisited an old adage that once the toothpaste is out of the tube...'s hard to get back in! We talked about how impactful our words and actions can be, and agreed that we must be thoughtful before we act. We also shared some silliness with a song called Tootie Ta. Here's a sample! We are constantly amazed by the overwhelming support of our parent community...thank you! Here are a few important pieces of information we wanted to share. * Food Allergies -- Our classrooms are nut-free/nut oil-free.  In order to ensure the health & safety of each student, it is imp

Awesome First Day!

WOW! What a wonderful way to start the year! We hope your kids came home happy, charged up, and nonstop talking about the things they did today. Some highlights for me... The conversations that informally took place all day yes, the too-dee-ta dance! Thanks for doing the book gifts this morning too - their eyes completely lit up! When Dr. Schneider came in with the Assistant District Superintendent, they gushed with excitement to tell them about their new books.  Yea! We are looking forward to tomorrow - bright and early 7:35 at morning assembly :) !!!!

Looking Forward to Meet the Teacher(s)!

We are all so excited to see everyone tomorrow at Kiker's Meet the Teacher Day from 3-5. We have been prepping the rooms planning some amazing things for the weeks and months ahead. Those of you who have joined this site, please pass the word to others in the class. We would love to see everyone use this as a place to hear from us, from the kids, and to comment on what is here. Bring supplies and get settled in. Come see where your kids are "living" this year! :) Tell the kids we can't wait!

another note...

I wanted to assure you that none of your information in the survey goes anywhere except the spreadsheet directly to ME. I just realized that may have been a question/worry that popped into your heads. Thanks again :)

A Link to Information

We are going to try and trick the system here. The school server is preventing us from directly linking the Information Survey, so if you could complete it this way, that would be fabulous! The tech experts at the District are working hard to solve the problems! <p>Loading...</p>

Got in the Classroom Today!

I spent today unpacking and getting situated in the new classroom. It was exciting, and I began to envision what the future students would look like in a few weeks on the first day of school.  I am so happy to already have the lists out - it takes so much anxiety away already. Had an idea today - optional idea - before school starts, make a trip to a bookstore and buy your child a book. Don't tell them about it. Wrap it and sneak it in their backpacks the first day of school. Write a note with it, telling them how excited you are that they are starting a new year, how proud you are...I will have extra books wrapped for those who don't have one with a note from me. I think it would be great fun, and a great message for them to put reading back in the forefront of their minds. Are ya'll in?

A New Adventure!

It's August. It's hot in Texas. It's almost go back to school! This year, we have a whole new group...about 75 of us...who will be contributing and commenting in this blog. It will be used as reflecting, responding, and communicating.  A brief introduction to who we are this year... Three teachers, 72 kids. We are a multiage, multiyear, project based learning classroom that will focus on capitalizing on our individual learning styles and preferences and strengthening areas we don't feel as strong. This innovative program, based on brain based learning and best practices, will give us the opportunity to develop those 21st century skills that we need in and well past our educational experiences. We are on a learning curve, however. This is a first year for us, so we will be patient, learning what works, what doesn't, and how mistakes lead us to new things we hadn't predicted. Join us...  The first bell rings August 22, 2011 at 7:35!