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Showing posts from June, 2017

End of the Year Thoughts and Thanks

Our week has been filled with celebration and reflection! The three of us want to express our gratitude for each and every one of you and the contributions you have offered to our SBLC family. We truly have enjoyed every minute of this year. Thank you for all the ongoing support and encouragement. We couldn't have done it without you! We are all excited for the time to relax and recharge this summer.  Thanks for your generous gift - we're all looking forward to some quality time at Travaasa!   Happy summer! Your SBLC coaches   

Summer Slide Stops Here

Our rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders have learned so much this year and we want to ensure that they retain all of their skills through the summer months.  We discussed how important it is to read widely for at least 20 minutes each day.  We learned that the average elementary student loses more than 2.5 months of math understanding over the summer and decided we want to continue growing our math brains over the summer, too. Your SBLC kiddo will come home today with a math and reading recording sheet.  We appreciate your help finding a great spot for this log to live through the summer.  Your student will bring this completed sheet back to school in the fall and we'll be excited to greet our confident readers and mathematicians.   A little info about summer slide for you...