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Showing posts from August, 2012

Money, Money, Money

Families: This is an IN CLASS assignment. Feel free to explore at home, however! Below are some kid sites about money, the economy, saving, and spending. Click around and make some new discoveries while playing some neat games! When you have learned something you want to share, come back to the blog and comment. Can't wait to hear what you learn!

Welcome to A New Year!

Hooray! The first two days have been busy, exhausting, fun, and full of new learning! It has been wonderful welcoming new faces and welcoming back familiar ones. We are making new friends every day, and adjusting to all the new routines and activities. Yesterday we did an activity that involved teambuilding while exploring and testing out physics. Our mission was to create the tallest tower using toothpicks and marshmallows. To begin, we tested  We learned that triangular formations are stronger than square. We related that to how we have seen buildings built, bridges, and even the MoPac connector on/off ramps being built! Before we started, we talked about how to use positive statements to encourage each other and work together towards a common goal. And then we got to work! We discovered round toothpicks are better than flat due to being thicker/heavier, and that because the marshmallows would lose their size due to the heat in the room, the air,